We offer repair and complete renovations of the clocks for Kawasaki’s classics. The models covered are Z1, Z900, KZ 900 (1973 – 1976) Z 1000 (1977 – 1980) and Z 650 (1977 – 1980) A complete renovation means that everything is reviewed/inspected and you get clocks that are in new condition when we deliver. This includes both the outside and inside of the instrument. Before delivery, they are calibrated and you can get a mileage as desired. The original condition is fully preserved and this also includes the small Nippon Denso logo.
Get in touch to get the price for what you want to be done. As a rule of thumb, it can be mentioned that a complete renovation of an instrument that is in “normal bad” condition costs approximately 300 €.
In the pictures below, you can see the condition before renovation and also what it looks like when it is returned to the customer.

For price and delivery time. Send email to info@clmogarage.com